Our Services


Septic Design

Our services include designing an aerobic or conventional system. We specialize in residential and commercial systems.

Aerobic Treatment Unit - These systems are common in central Texas because they can be used where soil conditions don’t allow for conventional systems. ATU’s inject oxygen into the treatment tank to stimulate the growth of natural bacteria and accelerate treatment. The tank works with either drip distribution, surface application or less commonly, and aerobic LPD system.

Conventional Treatment Systems - These systems utilize a standard septic tank and use either the standard gravity system, low pressure dosing system or an evapotranspiration bed.

Site Evaluation

The site evaluation will include an in-person review of the property to determine local conditions and will conclude with the type of system recommended.

Soil Analysis

Soil testing is important before a septic system is designed. We analyze the soil in-person and provide a complete soil evaluation.


As needed, we help with the permitting process. The documents required vary by county but are required when submitting the OSSF permit application.